In the context of a project funded by the Landesforschungsförderung (funding by the state of Hamburg) the Chair of Political Science, especially Global Governance has organized a workshop on the topic of “Norms, Practice, Normativity: Towards a New International Relations Theory.” The workshop took place from November 16-18 at the Centre for Globalisation and Governance. The focus was on the increasingly contestatory international practice in a world that has arguably come out of joint. To this end, participants mainly representing two recent strands of theory in the field of International Relations – critical norms research and international practice theory – discussed about the nexus between normativity and practice, that is, the ongoing contestation of norms and normativity in the course of everyday international practice. As part of the workshop, two keynote speeches were held by Mervyn Frost (King’s College London) and Antje Wiener (Universität Hamburg). Further participants were Jonathan Austin, Jonas Hagmann, Jonathan Havercroft, Maren Hofius, Friedrich Kratochwil, Xymena Kurowska, Anna Leander, Silviya Lechner, Philip Liste, Peter Niesen, Vincent Pouliot, and Jan Wilkens. A publication of the workshop contributions is planned. Moreover, the project serves the end of establishing an international network of scholars to cooperate in a future collaborative research initiative.